Dimensional Physics(12-08-04)

by Reason McLucus

If I had continued on a math and physics program, I likely would have dealt with the issue of other physical dimensions. I’ve decided to start writing down and posting my thoughts on the subject in the event someone else might find them useful.

Current attempts to deal with this subject are hampered by a tendency to think inside a Euclidean box. With the possible exception of time, dimensions are thought to have to involve something like length, width and height and are expected to be perceivable with the eyes. If we cannot see them, they must be too small according to versions of string theory.

We can see because specialized cells in our eyes react to a specific range of electromagnetic radiation. Our brains convert these signals into an image we consider to have the three dimensions of simple Euclidean geometry. But are length, width and height the only characteristics we perceive? Don’t objects also have characteristics like color and reflectivity which aren’t functions of length, width and height?

Most of us, regardless of our specific fields of study, have used or at least looked at a graph that represents some characteristics as if they had the two dimensions of length and width.

Even some mathematicians may be unaware that in its purest form mathematical systems don’t need to have any relationship to reality. The field of geometry in its purest form is an abstraction that merely provides a useful way of representing the real world in a simple form that makes calculations easier. Mathematicians have often developed abstract systems that have no apparent application to the real world. Many arithmetic series were once nothing more than mathematical curiosities until researchers studying chaotic systems found an application.

Reality is actually more complex than simple geometries represent it. Different theoretical geometries deal with surfaces that are cubic, spherical , parabolic, etc. Yet all of these types of surfaces and more exist in the real world.

Those who want to explain reality as more than length, width and height plus time need to get completely out of the Euclidean box and think of “dimensions” as “characteristics” that may exist independently of length, width and height.

For example, gravity is obviously not a function of length, width and height. Although the sun has higher gravity and greater volume than earth, a black hole much smaller than earth’s moon could have higher gravity than thousands of suns. Gravity may be a dimension of reality by itself.

Physicists sometimes debate whether gravity moves faster or slower than light. If gravity is a dimension of matter, it may move as part of that matter.

Or, gravity might be a type of space. Gravity space might be flat, that is 2-dimensional, except at locations with matter. Matter would depress an elastic surface. Matter in sufficiently close proximity would tend to “slide” together unless some other characteristic, motion for example, kept it apart. Physics defines gravity as a “force”, but in this example gravitational attraction would be a function of the geometry of a gravity space..

Mathematicians and physicists need to start thinking of reality as possibly having many different types of geometrical spaces that intersect to form what we consider as reality. The three dimensions that humans perceive may actually be the space in which different reality spaces intersect.

The “spooky” entanglement of electrons or other particles some distance from each other could be explained if those particles were linked in another dimension. A dynamic intersection of different spaces could explain how particles could seem to wink in and out of existence.

The idea of an aether might involve a separate physical space composed of photons.

Human intelligence might have a geometric explanation. Consider the example, of beings living in a 2-dimensional space. They would have concepts like forward, backward, right and left.

Describing two locations separated by one or more barriers preventing travel by a straight line route would involve describing the turns and gaps that would be used to go from one location to another. Individuals in that space couldn’t describe the straight line distance because recognizing that distance would involve viewing the area from above and above is a 3-dimensional concept.

Human understanding of the physical world is such that it is the equivalent of viewing that world from “above”. Thus human intelligence could exist in a higher geometric dimension than the physical world.

Dimensional physics could also explain the Christian concept of the Trinity(Father, Son and Holy Ghost(or Holy Spirit)). In n-dimensional geometry an entity projected into a lower dimension displays the characteristics of that dimension. God the Father would be God in all “His” dimensions. God the Son would be God projected into what might be described as “human space” – the space in which both the human mind and body exists. God the Holy Spirit would be God projected into what might be described as “mind space”. That is, God the Holy Spirit would exist in the space in which the human mind exists.

Scientists have tried to find the location of the human mind or consciousness for years. One possibility is that the mind is an energy field represented by brain waves.

Time is often thought of as a dimension, but what is time?  We measure time by counting various cycles such as the earth's rotation on its axis and its orbit of the sun, but is that "time"?  Is time a location that might be gone back to?  Perhaps time is not an actual dimension at least not in the sense that a "moment" of time is a location.  What is considered a "moment of time" could be the unique intersection of various cycles, including irregular cycles such as the comings and goings of humans..  




email: reasonmclucus@netscape.net