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I write on political and social issues under the name “Jalexson” to avoid being confused with more well know individuals who have the same name as mine including a member of the NFL and a member of Congress
I don’t care much for either of the major parties. They are like the mama bear and papa bear in the story of the 3 bears. They want to do too much or too little, implement too many regulations or too few.
I seem to have trouble keeping this file current. I've decided to periodically add comments I've made on various forums to whatever original comments I make on this file.
Excerpts from this page may be published on other web sites provided
that my name is listed as author and a link is provided to this page.
Kerry blew it big time in the debate when he said regarding North
Korea's nuclear weapons: "I want bilateral talks which put all of
the issues, from the armistice of 1952, the economic issues, the human
rights issues, the artillery disposal issues, the DMZ issues and the
nuclear issues on the table."
Basically Kerry said he is willing to talk about ending the armistice
of 1952 and allow North Korea to send troops across the
DMZ. Maybe, Kerry didn't mean to imply that but he
If I were North Korea I would interpret that to mean that South Korean
independence was also subject to negotiation with the U.S. particularly
considering Kerry's pro North Vietnam stance in the Vietnam War.
No one who wants to be president should ever enter negotiations by
saying everything the U.S. has done in the past was subject to
negotiations. That violates the first rule of negotiations.
I'm glad Kerry wasn't my negotiator when I belonged to the SEIU.
North Korea had only been asking for a non-aggression pact and economic
assistance in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons. Kerry has
foolishing suggested he might give them more than they asked for -- a
very, very bad negotiating strategy.
3:00 A.M.
Winning isn't the goal in these debates. Nixon won his debates
with Kennedy but lost the election because Kennedy presented a better
image. I don't see where either one can be said to
have won on substantive grounds.
Kerry expressed his ignorance on foreign policy matters including
failing to recognize the serious need to develop nuclear weapons that
can destroy nuclear missiles in underground silos in other countries
like North Korea.
Americans continue to ignore the fact that the old no first strike
policy on nuclear war has to be abandoned when dealing with small
nations. The U.S. has to develop to have a first strike
capability for dealing with such nations.
Kerry also fails to understand that bilateral talks with North
Korea(isn't Kerry the one who opposes unilateral actions by the U.S.)
reward them for developing nuclear weapons, Kerry sounds like he
will give in to North Korea's nuclear blackmail and probably would give
into blackmail by other nations.
Kerry droned. Bush talked to the audience and had a better voice than
Kerry and was more animated. Both candidates said the same
things they've been saying and said them over and over. Kerry is
still unclear and confusing about what he plans to do. The
program spent too much time on Iraq considering that both candidates
kept repeating themselves.
Kerry still doesn't understand that there aren't any other nations
capable of providing significant assistance in Iraq. The U.S. had
to handle the Kosovo situation because the west Europeans weren't able
to handle it themselves.
What was Kerry looking at? He seldom looked at the camera.
His eyes were normally facing toward the right with his head tilted to
the left looking away from the camera and those viewing the
debate. If I didn't know better I would think he was looking at a
teleprompter or cue cards.
Bush was more aware of the camera. His head was straight more
often and eyes looking directly at the camera more often. He
moved his head and eyes to look at both sides of the audience.
I know some of the people here prefer to discuss what they said, but
the ability to communicate depends to a large extent on body language
and looking at those the person being spoken to. A person who
looks away may be viewed as being less than truthful or less respectful
of the audience.
Kerry's problem is that he changes positions from day to day. I
stopped paying attention to what he said long ago because he kept
changing positions.
Kerry is an entertainer. He says whatever he thinks the audience
he is talking to wants to hear. Politicians running for
legislative offices often do this as a way of appealing to all voters
regardless of what they want.
This practice doesn't work in a presidential race because of media
coverage makes all his comments available to everyone.
Kerry seems incapable of understanding that presidential candidates
need to decide which groups to appeal to and form a coalition of such
groups. He has probably made too many blunders to do that now.
Democrats would be better off forgetting about the presidential race
and concentrating their resources on congressional races if they
haven't waited to long to try to win support for their candidates.
If Bush had gotten an administrative job the question of influence
might be important. However, he volunteered to fly F-102
supersonic jets. Acceptance for such training was based on
ability, not influence.
At the time Bush volunteered for F-102 training the planes were being
used in Vietnam and some were flown by National Guard pilots.
Bush attempted to volunteer for such duty, but by that time the planes
were being phased out in Vietnam and he had insufficient flight time to
quality for the few remaining slots.
Flying F-102's wasn't safe duty. The risk of dying in training
flights was comparable to the overall risk of death among all who
served in Vietnam, about 2%.
I stopped watching the Cee Bogus Stories network long ago because of
its obvious partisan bias. Dan Rather and others perceive
themselves as propagandists for the Democratic Party. They are
dedicated to trying to make Democrats, no matter how good, look good
and Repubicans look bad.
As a result they fail to provide the Democrats with the quality control
they need to present the best candidates to American voters.
Democrats know that they don't need to recruit the best candiates
because propagandists like Rather will try to make anything they run
look good.
The only TV news I watch is Fox because their personnel are willing to
admit their bias and Fox has people from both sides instead of just
Democrats like the other networks.
As an independent I would prefer a network with journalists who have no
ideological allegiance to either party. The best political
reporters are those who don't trust politicians in either party to tell
the truth.
The Democrats tried to pull a fast one on the National Guard story and
got caught. It will be interesting to see if that mistake costs
them the election by destroying their credibility.
People have been spoiled by Hollywood. In Hollywood murders are
solved in an hour and everybody starts living happily ever after as
soon as the tyrant is eliminated. Real life doesn't work that
way. The fall of tyrants is often followed by a period of
instability. Reestablishing order takes time and cannot be sped
up by hitting the fast forward button or sending in more troops.
Kerry claims that 9/11 was a criminal act demonstrates his ignorance of
the situation. 9/11 was an act of war by an international
terrorist organization. Criminals don't undertake suicide
missions, warriors do. Attacking civilian targets is nothing new
in warfare. Consider the sinking of the Lusitania in WWI and the
bombing of cities by both sides in WWII.
We need a president who recognizes that this is a war that may require
use of American forces in many lands.
Unfortunately, the simple case is also a false one.
Bush first budget commenced in October, 2001.
There were 131.2 million employed.
Today there are 131.5 million employed.
That is a net increase in employed, even using Democratic math.[/quote]
Good point.
I would like to find employment statistics for the first FDR
admin. Democrats ignore the fact that the job slide continued
under the first FDR admin. Except for government jobs( Works
Progress Admin, etc.) employment didn't really significantly increase
until WWII began causing increased hiring late in the second FDR
the only comparison between Hoover and Bush is that both picked a bad
time to become president in terms of economic conditions. They
took office near the end of a boom period with inflated stock prices
among other conditions. In Bush's case the boom was about
to collapse because of the lack of a revenue stream to support many of
the dot.coms.
the difference between the two is that Bush responded quickly and
effectively to stop the decline and begin a return to more stable
growth rather than the boom type growth of the late Clinton
admin. In fairness to Hoover I should note that the international
economic decline was far worse than the internional decline during the
Bush admin.
Democrats are also ignoring the fact that Bush has done a better job
than the heads of other countries in encouraging employment.
The joint press conferences called "debates" are a farce anyway.
Viewers watch to see if one of the candidates will blunder and forget
where Poland is(Gerald Ford - 1976) or admit to discussing nuclear
politics with their young daughters(Jimmy Carter - 1980).
What the candidates say on the issues has little or no impact on
voting. It's the appearance of the candidates that makes the
difference, the most dramatic case of this of course was the 1960
debates when Richard Nixon's bad makeup job helped John Kennedy even
though Nixon was regarded as the "winner" of the debate.
Appearances played a role in the 1988 debates, although not as
obviously. I cannot recall which debate it was, but George H.W.
Bush came across as much more presidential than opponent Michael
Dukakis as evidenced by a subsequent jump in the polls after the debate.
the 2000 debates caused voters to feel that both parties should have
reversed their tickets and had their vp candidates running for
I would rather see both candidates appear separately with journalists
doing in depth interviews of them. Preferably the interviewers
would be low key individuals along the lines of Roger Mudd or David
Frost rather then someone with the in your face attitude of a Mike
Wallace. Reporters like Wallace put candidates on the
defensive. If such a reporter asks a question like "when did you
stop beating your wife", the candidate is prepared. A Roger Mudd
type interviewer can place the candidate at ease and eventually slip in
a question like "by the way when did you stop beating your wife" and
get an answer.
The 2000 election demonstrates why the electoral college is
needed. Democrats like to bragg that Gore carried the popular
vote by 500,000 votes but ignore how he did it. Bush carried
Texas by about the same number of votes as Gore carried
California. Other big states except New York were close.
Gore carried New York by 1.5 million votes. That is without the
New York vote Bush would have had a majority of the popular vote by
about a million votes.
Direct election would give the big states too big a voice in the
election and encourage candidates to try to win them by very large
margins while ignoring the smaller states. The electoral
college forces candidates to conduct national campaigns they might not
need to conduct with direct election.
A direct election would also require the federal government to set up
an agency to conduct presidential elections. A national
voter identity card(probably using fingerprints to identify the voter)
would be necessary to prevent voting in a presidential race in multiple
states as may have happened in the 2000 with voters living in both
Florida and New York.
I disagree with President Bush. Everyone should have the freedom
to comment on presidential candidates. That includes both Michael
Moore and the Swift Boat vets.
Giant media corporations and their employees can express their opinions
without going through the candidates organizations. Ordinary
citizens should have the same opportunity if the First Amendment
guarantees the same rights to every American rather than just the
privileged few.
I would rather that broadcasters be required to give time to ordinary
citizens to express their views, but that is unlikely to happen.
The alternative is allowing ordinary citizens to combine their funds or
solicit funds from others to express their views.
Kerry is himself being extremely hypocritical about the Swift Boat
issue. I have yet to hear him condemn those Democrats who are
critical of Bush's National Guard service.
I'm a Vietnam Vet but I don't have any problems with Bush serving in
the National Guard or Bill Clinton avoiding military service(I only
had a problem with Clinton telling lies about what he did.)
Are the polls really valid? Have changes in communications
then worthless? Many people have replaced their wired phones with
cell phones. Some use call screening equipment that allows them
see if whoever is calling is someone they know or a stranger(phone
whom they don't want to talk to. Others wait until the answering
machine starts taking the message to answer.
I'm tired of Republicans helping Democrats out by calling them "liberals". Many people, including ignorant journalists, who don't have the slightest idea what a "liberal" is hear such claims and think they should support Democrats because they think "liberals" are supposed to be the good guys.
A true liberal believes that they like all humans are fallible and thus someone else's opinion is just as potentially valid as theirs. True liberals recognize that they don't know everything and there is always the possibility of someone providing information that indicates they are wrong. Democrats are ultraconservatives who believe that they know everything and there is no other way to look at things then theirs.
True liberals are pragmatic and will try something new if what they are doing isn't producing results. Ultraconservatic Democrats want to continue doing the same thing they have always done. If it isn't working, Democrats simply suggest that more money is needed.
True liberals favor limited regulations. When President Reagan reduced government regulations it was called "liberalization" not "conservitization".
Ultraconservatives favor heavy regulations and political
They believe university students should accept everything they are
without questioning. True liberals believe students should be
to question what they are taught.
he discussion of possible links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda ignores the obvious connection between Saddam and 9/11. Iraq's invasion of Kuwait forced the U.S to base troops in Saudi Arabia. This action infuriated Osama bin Laden and other Saudis who believed the presence of American "infidels" desecreted their "Holy Land".
They wanted our troops out of their "Holy Land". They tried bombing an American barracks and our troops stayed. They tried bombing American embassies and the USS Cole. Only after these efforts failed to dislodge our troops failed did they launch the 9/11 attack.
If it hadn't been for the invasion of Kuwait our troops wouldn't have been placed in Saudi Arabia. If we didn't need to maintain a presence there to keep Saddam Hussein in check, there wouldn't have been a 9/11 attack.
Hopefully, now that Saddam is out of power our troops are out of Saudi Arabia. The 9/11 attack demonstrated the disadvantage of the policy of containing Saddam Hussein rather than eliminating him.
There is no such thing as a credible source anymore. The Post is one of the best papers, but even its stories have at times been made up. The NY Times was once a leading news paper, but it's more of a propaganda rag now, publishing the Democratic Party's views as facts. I don't care much for either party, but I know if I want a complete story I have to read stories in both Democratic and Republican oriented publication. Of course, many partisan Democrats aren't allowed to read anything that isn't in publications approved by their party leaders and are taught to automatically reject anything that might conflict with Democratic propaganda.
You're a shareholder in a trillion dollar "corporation" faced with a decision about keeping the current experienced CEO or someone who has never held an executive position or demonstrated any leadership. Most voters are unlikely to want to take the risk that the challenger can handle the job.
Kerry doesn't have enough time between now and November to acquire any leadership experience. The last time we elected a Senator to be president he nearly got the nation into a nuclear war while he was learning to be an executive. And, John Kerry isn't in the same league with John Kennedy. The only other Senator elected President during the 20th Century was Warren G. Harding.
Californians had a high negative view of then Governor Gray Davis in 2002. But, they didn't vote for his opponent because he didn't impress them as being able to handle the job. Cal. voters could have replaced Davis in 2002, but waited until a recall a year later when they found someone they considered a more attractive replacement.
Democrats won't have that option. If they don't run a candidate who people feel is qualified, they won't get another chance next year.
In 1964 Americans viewed President Lyndon Johnson as a crook, but they didn't feel that was sufficient reason to replace him with Barry Goldwater,
Richard Nixon was one of the big losers of the 60's. Even though he won in 1968 he received a million fewer popular votes than he had received when he lost in 1960. In fact Nixon received the 4th lowest percentage of the popular vote of any winnning candidate. Yet he easily defeated George McGovern whom voters didn't think could handle the job.
Kerry might look good in the polls now, but when voters look at him near election time Kerry is likely to lose like the other Mass. candidate who ran against a Bush.
Incidentally, the only time I ever voted for a Bush was in 1988.
Good point! We live in a society where even priests and a president have committed sexual harassment. As Jay Leno has noted some men will actually pay a woman to lead them around on a leash while the man is naked -- although the woman would usually be more provocatively dressed.
We live in a society in which many have very loose standards for
sexual behavior. It shouldn't be surprising that some Americans
from home given power over people of a different culture might sexually
abuse them.
Clinton was impeached because he lied to a federal judge, not because he lied to his wife. He lied to the judge about his treatment of other women to improve his chances in a federal lawsuit. If he had let other women alone he wouldn't have gotten in trouble.
Clinton should have been impeached for sexually harassing women who worked at the White House, but wasn't because Republicans didn't really want to remove him from office. Removing him would have allowed Gore to run as an incumbant in 2000 instead of as the vice president. Republicans impeached him to placate voters who wanted something done.
The guards in Iraq are charged with sexually harassing, or abusing, prisoners. Isn't it possible that Clinton's example caused them to think there was nothing wrong with sexual harassment?
Vietnam wasn't Vietnam. The Vietnam was our most misunderstood war, a war in which a victory was portrayed as a loss by the ignorant. The WAr we were involved in ended in Jan. 1973 under an agreement signed by all major participants. Our side controlled the south which meant they our side won the war.
What confuses many people is that fact that the North Vietnamese government subsequently started another war 2 years later which gave them control of South Vietnam. We were not involved in that war and thus could not have lost it. Perhaps we could have helped the South Vietnamese, but that doesn't mean we lost Vietnam any more than the fall of the government we supported in China meant that we lost China.
Vietnam was a war between opposing factions with the southern group
seeking to remain independent of the northern group. Iraq
the overthrow of the established government(an action the U.S. had
undertaken in Latin America including the overthrow of the Panamanian
by Reagan and the overthrow of the Haitian government by
the situation in Vietnam involved a separate government in the
The situation in Iraq involves groups inside the country with no
nation support.
You're a shareholder in a trillion dollar "corporation" faced with a decision about keeping the current experienced CEO or someone who has never held an executive position or demonstrated any leadership. Most voters are unlikely to want to take the risk that the challenger can handle the job.
Kerry doesn't have enough time between now and November to acquire any leadership experience. The last time we elected a Senator to be president he nearly got the nation into a nuclear war while he was learning to be an executive. And, John Kerry isn't in the same league with John Kennedy. The only other Senator elected President during the 20th Century was Warren G. Harding.
Californians had a high negative view of then Governor Gray Davis in 2002. But, they didn't vote for his opponent because he didn't impress them as being able to handle the job. Cal. voters could have replaced Davis in 2002, but waited until a recall a year later when they found someone they considered a more attractive replacement.
Democrats won't have that option. If they don't run a candidate who people feel is qualified, they won't get another chance next year.
In 1964 Americans viewed President Lyndon Johnson as a crook, but they didn't feel that was sufficient reason to replace him with Barry Goldwater,
Richard Nixon was one of the big losers of the 60's. Even though he won in 1968 he received a million fewer popular votes than he had received when he lost in 1960. In fact Nixon received the 4th lowest percentage of the popular vote of any winnning candidate. Yet he easily defeated George McGovern whom voters didn't think could handle the job.
Kerry might look good in the polls now, but when voters look at him near election time Kerry is likely to lose like the other Mass. candidate who ran against a Bush.
Incidentally, the only time I ever voted for a Bush was in 1988.
The practice of leaking "attack videos" showing a opposing candidate in a negative light results partly from the fact that the news media prefers to emphasize the candidates attacking each other. TV news of course likes "sound bites" and one candidate attacking another makes for better sound bites than statements about economic policy. "Smith says Jones Is a Crook" makes a more dramatic headline in a newspaper than does "Smith Favors (some obscure economic proposal)".
Another part of the problem is the poor quality of the candidates
both parties. They have nothing to offer so they feel they
have to tear down their opponents.
Jamie Gorlick should resign. No one who had worked at the DOJ
or CIA should have been appointed to the commission in the first place
because of a possible conflict of interest. Unfortunately, the
concern about partiality seems to be on the issue of
The fact that she cannot vote on some issues because of possible
will disrupt the partisan balance and allow Republicans to out vote
on those issues. So Democrats should be the ones insisting she be
replaced by another Democrat.
Regardless of the relative importance of Gorlick's memo, her association with the 9-11 Commission raises doubt's about the validity of any recommendation it might produce. If the Commission doesn't criticize the procedures she supported at DOJ, it will be vulnerable to charges of a coverup.
The FBI agent's who had Moussaoui should have been able to figure out that someone who wanted to learn to pilot an airliner on takeoff but not landings was probably planning to crash it into something without having to look at his computer and issued some type of warning. However, many believe that the inability to look at his computer allowed 9-11 to occur.
Unfortunately, the people who actually work at the FBI, CIA, etc.
aren't as bright as the ones who play such roles on tv.
The 911 Commission needs to get away from its preoccupation with the White House and look more closely at the day to day operations of the federal agencies responsible for dealing with threats. Presidents(especially the last two) certainly aren't superheroes who magically prevent certain actions merely by issuing a few orders.
President Bush as a practical matter couldn't have called out the
Guard to protect airports or shut down the airlines simply because of a
possibility of someone hijacking a plane and flying it into a building
as a disgruntled Fedex employee had attempted to do in April, 1994, and
some Algerians had wanted to do in Dec. 1994.
I haven't been able to find a copy of the final statement FBI Director Louis Freeh made to Congress in about May or June, 2001, but recall he was more concerned about WMD and domestic terror groups and didn't mention airline hijacking.
I have found a copy of his statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee Jan 28, 1998 in which he doesn't mention al Qaeda and the word airliner appears only once in connection with a plot to blow up airliners. He was more concerned about efforts to increase authority for electronic eavesdropping and violent domestic militia groups. This in spite of a claim made this morning about a concern about use of an airliner as a missile during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.
One thing we need to remember is that the FBI is the nation's primary criminal investigation organization. It should be clear by now that it cannot handle that function and deal with terrorism.
We need a separate organization to combat terrorism.
don't behave in the same way as criminals and cannot be dealt with in
same manner. An organization set up to find and prosecute
cannot effectively deal with terrorists who may just as soon die while
undertaking a terrorist act. With terrorists, the emphasis
be on finding and prosecuting but on preventing the act.
criminals requires playing by the rules set up for use in prosecuting
in the courts. Stopping terrorists may require actions that would
preclude prosecution.
<<<< The F.A.A. even issued a warning to airlines and
security personnel that, quote, “The potential for a terrorist
such as an airline hijacking to free terrorists incarcerated in the
States remains a concern.” >>>>
The F.A.A. still looked at hijackings in the conventional way. The warning was that terrorists would hijack a plane and use the passengers as hostages as had been done in the past. Why hadn't Richard Clarke and other intelligence types told the F.A.A. about the possibility that hijackers might use planes as missiles?
There was no loop for preventing 9/11. Clarke was preoccupied with attacking bin Laden, not on preventing an attack on the U.S.
As they say in football the best offense is a good defense, and the U.S. had no defense that could prevent infiltration of al Qaeda operatives or prevent them from acting once they got here.
Once al Qaeda operatives had been trained, eliminating the top leadership wouldn't have stopped their attacks. Even killing bin Laden and other top leaders now won't eliminate the threat. In the short run attacks might actually increase because of a desire for revenge.
If we want to prevent attacks in the form of bombs on trains, etc. we and law enforcement officials are going to have to be vigilant and watch for suspicious packages,etc.
The focus in last week's hearings was foreign policy people. Did the commission interview people from the Dept. of Justice(DOJ) the previous week or will they be interviewed next week? The CIA is primarily a foreign intelligence gathering organization that has no responsibilities in the U.S.. The State Dept. has no law enforcement functions and relies on DOJ to investigate attacks on embassies. the Dept. of Defense should have been assigned the responsibility to prevent attacks by members of foreign organizations( and this was essentially an attack by foreign military attacks, but wasn't because Congress has opposed assigning that function to DOD.
Even if Arnold Schwarzenegger had been president there would have been nothing he could have done unless he had been on one of the planes. Even if Clinton had authorized use of cruise missiles when a Predator spotted bin Laden, there is no certainty that surviving al Qaeda opperatives wouldn't have undertaken the mission any way. The same if he had agreed to accept bin Laden as a prisoner, assuming that his critics are correct about this possibility.
The FBI had one conspirator in custody and an agent had suspicions about Arabs attending flight schools. The 9/11 commission should be investigating why these leads weren't followed up rather than wasting time on the controversy about Rice's testimony.
The Commission should also investigate why airlines hadn't been
to change the policy of dealing with hijackers from one of attempting
negotiate with them to one of making sure they didn't gain control of
March 30, 2004
The 9/11 Commission is a farce. It suffers from an elitist
that focuses attention on the White House rather than on the agencies
might have been able stop some or all of the hijackers. The
old European elitist mentality falsely assumes that the king/president
has godlike powers that allows him to control what happens. He
is responsible for any success that occurs and to blame when things go
wrong. In reality the president is no more than a
who attempts with varying degrees of success to get subordinates to act
in the public interest. Successful actions occur when everyone
their jobs. A disaster can occur if anyone in a critical position
makes a mistake.
9/11 didn't occur because President Bush, or President Clinton,
aggressive enough in trying to get al Qaeda. It occurred because
the government employees responsible for protecting the country against
terrorists, like Richard Clarke, failed to develop plans to prevent the
type of attack that occurred. That plan should have included
to the airline pilots that the first priority in a hijacking would be
prevent the hijackers from gaining control of the airplane. The
should also have included having the FBI monitor who was taking courses
at flight schools and be aware of the possibility of hijackers wanting
to use airplanes as missiles.
Presidents are human beings who don't know everything. They
heavily dependent on experts for knowledge in many areas.
cannot possibly keep an eye on each of the millions of federal
employees to insure that they are doing their jobs.
Keep in mind that Spain has a parliamentary form of government with the prime minister being the leader of the majority party or a coalition of parties. the Socialist Workers' Party( a very disturbing name -- same as Hitler's party) won the most seats in Parliament, but not a majority. It will have to establish a coalition with minor parties to establish a government.
Parliamentary systems elections aren't the same as American presidential election with the winner automatically becoming head of state. Our congressional elections often reflect local rather than national interests. In a parliamentary system, elections for individual seats depends both upon the party and the candidate. Typically party leaders run in districts in which the party is virtually assured its candidate will win.
The media are portraying the Spanish election result as a major victory for the Socialists while ignoring the fact that the lack of a majority in Parliament indicates a lack of consensus on the part of Spanish voters rather than whole hearted support for the Socialists.
The AP has reported that polls a week before the election, and thus
prior to the bombing, indicated the Popular Party with only a 3-5%
I don't know what the undecided might have been. In the U.S. that would
be considered too close to call, with victory by either candidate being
Nader didn't cost Gore the presidency in 2000 and Ross Perot didn't
cost George H.W. Bush reelection in 1992. When presidential
cannot get enough people to vote for them spread out over enough states
to win, it is their fault for failing to appeal to voters rather than
fault of those who were able to appeal to voters. The 2000
in particular shouldn't have been close with the economy and
situation both seemingly in good shape. Gore was such an
candidate voters didn't think he was worth the effort.
The problem with Republicans and Democrats is that they seem to
they have a special right to be elected because their parties are the
In relative terms fewer and fewer voters are bothering to even go to
polls because they don't believe any of the candidates are worth the
to go vote.
March 13, 2004
Why did John Kerry brag about foreign leaders supposedly telling him
they would rather have him for President? The reason they want
is that they believe ihe will put their interests above ours in setting
foreign policy. We're in the middle of March Madness. If a
reporter asked a coach which of the two teams playing for the
to play his team, the coach wouldn't say. He would know that
a specific team would give that team a greater incentive to beat his.
March 5, 2004
Congress can eliminate homosexual marriages without a constitutional
amendment because homosexual marriages are
The real need is a constitutional amendment to more explicitly define
the judicial power. The judicial branch of government is out of
Many judges seem to think the judicial branch is the supreme branch of
government then one of three equal branches. Judges need to stop
attempting to impose their personal social, economic and political
on the rest of the population. Elected officials may not
make the most logical decisions, but then neither do judges. The
differences between elected officials and appointed federal, and some
judges is that elected officials are answerable to the people for what
they do. Judges are not. One of my favorite movie quotes
from Teahouse of the August Moon. Glenn Ford's character, an
officer in post-WWII Japan, explains democracy to the Japanese
as the system "where the people have the right to make the wrong
There is no way the economy today can be compared to the Depression. The economy was worse during the late 70's than it is now.
One thing many people don't realize is that the nature of the labor force is different today than it was in the 30's which makes comparisons difficult. Today's labor force contains far more two income households among middle and upper class families than was the case in the 20's and 30's. At that time only women in the lowest income households worked for employers.
Another fact many people overlook is that the Depression continued
the first two terms of FDR. The Dust Bowl problem in the center
the country complicated the situation by driving many off their farms.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Clintons were pushing Kerry because they don't expect him to win.
Hillary needs to wait at least 8 years after Bill's admin to run for president. She needs to establish herself and wait for people to forget about Bill's problems.
Cheney is unlikely to run to succeed Bush - assuming of course that
Tecumseh's curse has expired and Cheney won't succeed Bush before 2008.
Tecumseh's curse refers to a curse placed on William Henry Harrison
by the brother(The Prophet) of the great Shawnee war leader
The Prophet blamed Harrison for Tecumseh's death. the curse was
Harrison and subsequent presidents elected in years ending in zero
die in office.
I don't normally pay much attention to curse's but there certainly is a strange coincidence.
It is uncommon for someone to succeed a president from the same
through elecftion.
Another problem this year is that the best Democratic strategy
is the same as in 1992. "It's the economy, stupid"(Bill Clinton).
However, Democrats prefer making the war an issue like they did in 1972 when they lost in a landslide to Richard Nixon.
No way Hillary would be a running mate this time, at least not with Kerry as the presidential candidate. Two northeastern candidates would definitely lose. Besides Hillary is too smart to run as a veep on someone else's ticket. She has the same problem Bob Dole had in 1976. She's a potential source of controversy. If the ticket lost she would be blamed like Dole was in '76.
If the Democrats win this year she couldn't run until 2012 unless
president messed up big time. Then a Republican would likely win
David Horowitz and others started the anti-war movement while Kennedy was president. It didn't really catch on until Congress eliminated student deferments which meant men could no longer avoid military service by attending college. Before Congress eliminated graduate school deferments, men could get a bachelor's degree then drag out graduate school until they became too old for the draft at 25. Elimination of all student deferments meant men couldn't even have assurance of completing college before being drafted.
There also was a test given, I've forgotten the exact sitaution,
had to be passed to retain a student deferment for the college class of
1968. I remember taking the test but not its actual function.
Right Clinton was an experienced governor who had experience running for an executive position. Kerry does not. During the last century the candidates able to unseat incumbant presidents were governors.
Although keep in mind that Clinton won in 1992 with the lowest percentage of the popular vote by a winning candidate since 1912.
I strongly suspect that the Clintons are behind the effort to get Kerry the nomination. They don't want the Democrats to win this year. If Bush wins, Hilary can run in 2008 against whatever the Republicans choose, which probably won't be Dick Cheney.
You're right. Before they abandoned the Vietnam War they started, Democrats had won 7 of 9 presidential elections, many by landslides, including 1964. Since Vietnam no Democrat has won as much as 51% of the popular vote. Republicans have done that 4 times while winning 6 of 9 presidential elections.
The situation has now carried over to Congress. Republicans have won
control of the House for 5 elections in a row for the first time since
before the Depression.
The only things presidential polls at this time of year are good for is lining the bottom of a bird cage. Michael Dukakis did very well in public opinion polls until the campaign actually started in October then he fell out of the race.
Democrats may be making the same mistake with Kerry. They're letting the media portray him as the candidate without bothering to check him out. If I were a Republican, I would be jumping for joy at the prospect of Bush running against Kerry.
the potential winning strategy for the Democrats is the same as it was in 1992. Forget the war. "it's the economy, stupid."(Bill Clinton). Kerry prefers to make the same mistake George McGovern made in 1972 by running on an anti-war platform.
But then, I guess donkeys never learn.
Unfortunately, hate and fear tend to dominate in the Democratic Party. Many Democrats don't just dislike Republicans they hate them. that hate becomes particularly strong if a Republican president actually accomplishes anything significant.
Democrats like to use fear to motivate voters, an old southern populist tactic. In the old South candidates won elections by playing on whites fear of blacks. Today's Democrats encourage blacks to fear whites, by implying that if blacks don't elect Democrats the country will go back to segregation.
I agree that what Bush and Kerry did 30 years ago is unimportant,
Kerry's actions have created a group that is strongly opposed to him -
a handicap other potential Democratic candidates don't have.
Feb. 21, 2004
What part of "It's the economy stupid" don't Democrats
The Democratic best stratedy is support the war and criticize NAFTA
GATT. President Bush's best strategy is to encourage a
campaign. A John Kerry candidacy would thus be a godsend to
Kerry starts out with people who have disliked him for over 30
Kerry supported the war in Iraq, but now opposes it creating another
War issues typically favor the incumbant. The Democrats tried an
anti-war strategy in 1972 and lost big time. Kerry voted for
& GATT. He now says it was a mistake, but who wants a
who keeps making mistakes in foreign policy.
Social Security, Medicare were a long time ago. Lincoln freed the slaves but I wouldn't urge blacks to vote for him on that basis. Ultraconservative Democrats haven't had any new ideas since Johnson was president. The best kept secret in the U.S. is that Johnson's war on poverty was less successful than his war in Vietnam.
Democrats are stuck in the past. Kerry's claim about opposing "special interests" is so old it borders on being quaint. Maybe in the old dying parts of the U.S. running against special interests can produce votes, but it ignores the fact that we all are part of various special interest groups that attempt to communicate with politicians because there are too many of us for each of us to communicate individually.
Industries that want to politicians to prevent unfair foreign competition are special interests. Unions are special interests. So are organizations like AARP.
Bush's education approach could be improved, but it is a step in the
right direction. The federal government has been pouring money
urban school systems for decades with no evidence that any students,
low income students, have benefitted. If anything conditions have
gotten worse in many cities.
I would like to have an alternative to the GOP, but the Democratic
isn't an alternative to anything. We need for the Democratic
to go the way of the Whigs and Know Nothings so we a new party with new
ideas can replace it.
Northeastern candidates dominated the presidency between the Civil War and WWII while the northeast was growing. Now the south and west are growing and they are dominating the presidency. Texas and California have provided all but two of the elected presidents since Kennedy.
Northern candidates don't get experience adjusting the
from election to election so they don't have expericence in adjusting
the different issues that are important in different regions.
Southern candidates have to adjust from election to election to
changes in issues resulting from growth. Thus they get experience
in accomodating different interest groups.
Texas and California are very diverse states because of population
geography so politicians in these states have to learn to appeal to a
variety of groups than would a Senator from Mass.
Ralph Nader should run to give people who don't want Bush or Michael Dukacis' running mate for president. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen to a political party is that it wins a presidential election. The Demorcrats won in 1976 and as a result the Republicans gained control of the White House and the Senate in 1980. The Democrats regained control of the Senate but the White House remained in Republican hands for 12 years.
The Democrats won the White House in 1992 with the result that the GOP gained control of both houses of Congress in 1994.
The north is a different political environment. The issues tend to be static from one election to the next because northern states have populations that are declining relative to other states. Politicians can run on the same issues each time.
the south is growing and the electorate constantly changing. Southern politicians are more likely to have to appeal to voters who have moved from the north as well as those already living in the south. Politicians have to learn to adjust to different issues from election to election.
February 12, 2004
Are Democrats about to nominate another Michael Dukakis? John Kerry may have similar problems to those of former Sen. Bob Kerrey who was also once regarded as a Vietnam War hero. Three years ago journalists interviewing residents of a Vietnamese hamlet discovered that Kerrey might have committed a war crime on a mission for which he was decorated.
The organization Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry claim Kerry's war record is also suspect. They claim that the incident for which he was awarded a silver star involved a single VC who had been wounded after firing on Kerry's boat. The VC hid behind a hootch at which the operator of the boat's twin 50 cal. guns fired about 50 rounds. Kerry then jumped off the boat went behind the hootch and finished the VC off.
the three purple hearts Kerry received were for minor wounds according to the site. However, the fact he had received 3 purple hearts allowed him to request ressignment to U.S. instead of having to complete a normal tour of duty. Kerry subsequently requested and received an early discharge from the navy.
The site also alleges that the swift boat Kerry commanded had a body count that included a woman, a baby and South Vietnamese soldiers. This allegation could explain why Kerry subsequently turned against the war.
I don't know if the allegations are correct or not, but the allegations need to be investigated now so that the Democrats can choose another candidate if the charges are valid.
Many who didn't serve in Vietnam accept the award of medals to officers at face value. Those of us who were there know that officers were far more likely to receive medals than enlisted men(especially black enlisted men) including receiving medals for actions that would not otherwise qualify for any medal.
February 11, 2004
Does Sen. John Kerry have the competence to handle the presidency? Certainly he should be familiar with the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and the false information it was based on. On August 2, 1964, the USS Maddox was spying on North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin while South Vietnamese units were attacking it. It had a brief encounter with a North Vietnamese craft that resulted in minimal gun fire damage. Two days later it went back to the Gulf of Tonkin with the Turner Joy. The ships subsequently made apparent sonar contact with North Vietnamese PT boats that was interpreted as an attack. The :"sonar contact" might have resulted from weather conditions or just a misreading of the screen by the sonar operator, but American jets flying overhead saw no PT boats. The Johnson administration quickly used the report to obtain a congressional resolution a blank check for using military force in Vietnam.
Kerry certainly should have considered how the U.S. got deeply
in Vietnam when voting on the resolution authorizing force in
As someone who had served on the Senate Intelligence
the title comes from what the committee studies and should not imply
the members actually have intelligence] should have been aware that
intelligence about Iraq might be unreliable due to the difficulty of
information and reliance on opponents of Saddam Hussein for info.
Some of the evidence was based on photos which might be subject to more
than one interpretation. I have no doubt that the Bush
really believed that Saddam Hussein had WMD that might be ready to use,
but members of Congress have a duty to closely scrutinize information
by an administration and make its own judgement whether the evidence is
strong enough to justify providing support. If Kerry has the
to handle the presidency he should have known from his service on the
Committee that information about Iraq could be inaccurate and that the
administration might be interpreting evidence because the U.S. had been
insisting Iraq had been hiding WMD for many years.
February 10, 2004
Gen. Wesley Clark should never have tried to run as a Democrat. Entering the party so late limited his appeal to Democrats which combined with the late establishment of an organization precluded winning the nomination unless most of the other candidates self-destructed. He would have had a better chance of becoming president if he had waited and done a Ross Perot. If people began developing doubts about the Democratic candidate in Feb. or even into late March, he could have allowed people to talk him into running as a 3rd Party candidate. He would have had a better chance of winning because he wouldn't have been saddled with the need to pander to ideological Democrats by opposing the war. Instead he could have adopted the potential winning strategy which is support for the war and raising questions about the economy, particularly questioning NAFTA and GATT which are responsible for jobs moving to other countries. John Kerry cannot use the issue because he supported both.
Februrary 9, 2004
Has Sen. John Kerry made a major blunder by stating that he voted
the resolution authorizing President George W. Bush to act in Iraq
understanding that the measure did authorize military action.
the American people vote for someone who votes on important measures
he doesn't understand. Kerry's statement approaches the same type
of mistake Gov. George Romney made in early 1968 when he talked about
a brainwashing" in Vietnam. At the time Romney was the leading
for the GOP nomination. He subsequently disappeared from the
February 7, 2004
The problem with intelligence in Iraq may result from a failure to
the differences between the Iraqi
approach to WMD and the way American generals might handle the
The failure to find WMD may be an inadequate search strategy.
August 5, 2003
I'm tired of the misreporting of the Iraq conflict by the media. There is some continued conflict, but the media are making the situation sound much worse than it it.
July 7, 2003
Guerilla War
A major problem with guerilla war is the inability of some American
politicians and journalists to understand how easy it is to engage in
attacks and that such attacks don't indicate a strong enemy
Some ignorant journalists have been claiming the continued attacks in
represent a deterioration of the war. such isn't the
Such attacks can go on indefinitely( and have in Northern Ireland and
Ironically attacks are easier to prevent if those behind them have an
that can be attacked.
July 5, 2003
Welcome to Vietnam II
The conflict in Iraq is starting to look more like Vietnam with a
guerilla war. The question is has the army learned how to fight
conflicts since Vietnam? We've won the "war" in Iraq, but are
trouble with the "peace". In Vietnam we didn't have any trouble
the military part of the conflict. When we could persuade Charlie
to fight, we won. The problem was in relating to the civilian
When the war ended we were on the winning side. Our group was in
charge of South Vietnam. The war worked out like we wanted. The
was the "peace" that followed. Our side eventually lost
Will we see the same thing in Iraq? Will we be unable to get a
friendly government in power?
The Courts on homosexuality
The Supreme Courts in the United States and Canada recently make significant rulings on homosexual issues. The U.S. Court deserves an "A". The Canadians deserve an "F". The U.S. Justices correctly ruled that government has no business regulating what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Or, maybe I should say "amateur" adults. I wouldn't want to suggest that government shouldn't be able to regulate any profession, including the oldest one. The Canadian Justices ignorantly suggested that laws about marriage somehow "disciminate" against homosexuals.
A true marriage relationship can only exist between two
Marriage is a union between one member of each basic form(sex) of human
to produce a complete set of humans. Two men or two women cannot
form a complete set anymore than can two salt shakers or two pepper
Government provides special benefits for marriage to encourage
to form couples and make babies to provide for the next generation of
Government cannot require people to make babies. It can only
incentives and hope that some will cooperate.
June 28, 2003
Is there also no Osama bin Laden or Sadaam Hussein??
The dopey Democrats have been claiming that the fact WMD have not
been found in Iraq yet means they never existed. By that same
we would expect them to make the same claims about Osama bin Laden and
Sadaam Hussein. They haven't been found, thus by Democratic
they must have never existed in the first place. But, you say
are pictures of them. Perhaps the Democrats would claim those
actors. There is substantial evidence Iraq had WMD also.
of Iranians and Iraqis died from Sadaam Hussein's use
of WMD. President Clinton even bombed Iraq in 1998 with the
given that Iraq wasn't sufficiently cooperating with UN inspectors
for his WMD. Do the Democrats really
that Iraq voluntarily destroyed his WMD after the inspectors
Even the French, et. al., weren't convinced this last March that Iraq
destroyed its WMD. They wanted the inspections to continue.
They just didn't want the US to go in and ruin the business
the French had in taking advantage of Iraq's particular status under UN
sanctions. The inspectors found nerve gas artillery shells and
Iraq wasn't allowed to have. Do Democrats really believe
destroyed its WMD but kept other less important things that violated
Remember Medgar Evers
The 40th anniversary of the assassination of Medgar Evers recently
with little publicity. Evers was fighting for civil rights in
before the Montgomery bus boycott pushed Martin Luther King, Jr., into
the national limelight. The unfortunate effect of efforts to
King for his work has led many to believe the civil rights movement
with him. The fight for equal rights was long and began before
was born with the efforts of W.E.B. DuBois and others. Many died
before King came along with their deaths only noted in black owned
June 16, 2003
What Was Hillary Thinking?
Did Hillary really call for an investigation to determine if the
government lied about Iraq having WMD? If she did,
she has in effect admitted that her husband Bill was lying about the
for bombing Iraq in late 1998. Claims about Iraq having WMD
originate with the current administration. The Clinton
also made such claims, which is probably why the current administration
believes the claims are true. The Dumbocrats have been acting
the Bush's administration's claims about Iraq having WMD are something
new rather than something the US government has been saying for a
If Dumbocrats really believed that such claims are false, why didn't
request an investigation when Clinton used the same claim to bomb Iraq
while he was being impeached?
June 3, 2003
Jessica Lynch
Why don't people lay off the Jessica Lynch rescue criticism,
those poor excuse for journalists who complained because her family
want to talk about her rescue? Maybe the doctors would have
if given the chance, but how were the rescuers supposed to know
For an operation like that the participants develop a plan and then
that plan once they get to their destination. They had to act on
the basis that she was being held by enemy forces who might fire on
if given the opportunity. Cops in the U.S. regularly use the same
approach for drug raids. They find it is safer to act on the
that they will meet resistance than that they will not.
Well, Would You Believe
Hillary Clinton's novel will be avialable early next week. I
the publisher decided to change the original title "Well, Would
believe". I'll wait until I find it at the Salvation Army
or a garage sale. Political autobiographies aren't generally
anyway and Hillary is well known for her faulty memory about her
with her criminal friends back in Arkansas. Incidentally, I voted
for Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000. I did vote for
Dole in 1996 even though I thought Elizabeth would have been a better
June 1, 2003
The WMD controversy
People on both sides of the argument about whether or not Saddam
had WMD ignore the fact he knew in advance that American intelligence
learned some information about his WMD. He had no way of knowing
how much the U.S. knew. If he wanted to avoid discovery of his
he had to move everything and clean out all of his sites just in case
Americans knew about them and would provide the information to U.N.
If he wanted to keep them he had to do everything to hide them where
would be unlikely to be found. Thus it should be no surprise that
they haven't been found where previous U.S. intelligence indicated they
might be. Nor are they likely to be in obvious places like ammo
Some generals thought the Iraqis might have disbursed them to forward
during the war, but that is unlikely. The American advance was to
rapid to have allowed the Iraqis to get them our of their storage
and move them to front line units. The WMD are likely hidden in
desert where the blowing sand would cover any previous
Those in charge of hiding them probably recorded the exact GPS
in the event they wanted to recover them later. Unless the U.S.
lucky and finds a list of locations, it will probably have to find some
other way to try to locate where the WMD might be buried.
The Georgia Flag controversy
I was going to comment on the Georgia
Flag controversy several weeks ago. Unfortunately, Delphi was
moving to a new server and some people's files got lost in the
They were eventually restored, but I had to wait for awhile. As
great grandson of a member of the Indiana infantry in the Civil War, I
have no particular fondness for the Confederate Battle Flag.
I don't see any problem with those who support it. They aren't
as many Democrats allege, nor in most cases do they support it for
Opponents are deliberately reading too much into the controversy to
serve their own political ends. Many Democratic politicians,
and white, are doing the same thing to black voters southern Democrats
once did to white voters. These Southern Democrats are still
on the politics of fear. In the first half of the 20th Century
Democrats tried to scare white voters into supporting them by raising
fear of what blacks might do. Today, they are trying to scare
voters by suggesting that flag supporters really want to bring back
Many don't understand that the southern 11-boonies in
Civil War were primarily interested in defending against an "invading
than in defending slavery. The slave owners generally were the
in the Confederate Army. Some of the privates might have been employed
on plantations, but others were just ordinary workers or farmers trying
to make a living on lands unsuited for planations. The flag they
fought under has become a symbol of resistance to authority rather than
racism. Twenty years ago that flag played a prominent role in a
tv show about a family that spent much of its time attempting to foil
schemes of a local corrupt politician, Jefferson Davis
To many it's a symbol of people who resent being told how they should
and how they should think.
Democrats have manufactured the idea that the flag symbolizes racism
because they have nothing to offer black voters except the idea that
should be afraid of ghosts from the past. There are still a few
around, but they pose no threat to return our society to one with
segregation. The United States has become too racially complex
a return to the old concept of white vs. black. The U.S. is
toward a situation in which their will be no ethnic majority.
and more family trees resemble the United Nations because of the
of ethnic backgrounds of their members.
Bush and the aircraft carrier
I'm tired of the baby Democrats crying about President George Bush's
landing on the aircraft carrier. Part of the President's job is
the American people and various contexts. Welcoming the troops
home is part of the job. The fact he landed in a jet rather than
a heliocopter is unimportant. The fact he flew the plane for
is also unimportant. After alll he's a former jet pilot
Bill Clinton once "drove" an entire aircraft carrier. Clinton
used returns to the White House for photo ops.
during one of those photo ops he made the mistake of hugging girl
Business in general
American business execs frequently have certain flawed approaches to
business operations. Many executives lack any commitment to
their companies. They're only interested in how much money they
make for themselves. That's what caused the collapse of Enron,
Kmart, etc.
A common problem is that many don't understand the type of business
they're in. They are preoccupied with numbers and don't
what the numbers represent. They are often cost oriented rather
revenue oriented. A company with no costs would also be a company
with no revenue and thus no profits. Companies should attempt to
control costs, but their first interest should be in generating
Some bright idiot at Kodak several years ago thought the company would
benefit from encouraging many of the older technicians to retire so the
company would be able to pay the people who replaced them less.
company almost went under because the people who knew all the technical
secrets decided to take advantage of the offer. Replacing
workers with lower paid workers can reduce productivity and thus
and profits.
Multimillionaire hedge fund manager Edward Lampert from
Conn., has rescued Kmart
bankruptcy by purchasing $2 billion worth of Kmart creditor claims and
agreeing to pump $350 million in cash into the company. It hasn't
been disclosed how much he spent to purchase the debt. He will
49% of the company's stock, hold one of the seats on nine-member board
of directors and name three others. Julian Day will be the new
and CEO.
Lambert wants to attract customers back. Unfortunately, many
those cannot come back because their Kmart was one of the 600 stores
during bankruptcy. The chain's 1,513 remaining stores have to
a way to compete with Walmart and Target which have been growing during
the same period. Walmart has been expanding existing stores as
as opening new ones while Kmart was closing stores. For example,
Walmart expanded its store in Newton, Ks., where Kmart closed its store
and expanded its store in Hutchinson,Ks., where the much smaller Kmart
remains open.
I hope Lambert can keep the chain running, but the Kmart has a major
because it doesn't own its own stores and apparently doesn't have an
way to evaluate which stores it should keep. Inventory control
to be improved and many stores cleaned up.
Bush tax cut
I've posted an alternative
tax proposal. Bush's tax proposal won't
produce any jobs in the U.S. -- exempting dividends paid on existing
from taxes cannot possibly create any new jobs. The only way new
jobs can be created from stocks is if new stock is issued and the funds
raised are used to construct buildings or purchase equipment or start a
new company. Those jobs won't be created in the U. S. if the
is placed outside the U.S. Encouraging issuance of Industrial
Bonds would do more to add jobs than exempting dividend taxes.
only way to insure job creation from dividend tax reductions would be
the system I propose in which dividends are taxed collectively at the
level and the dividends subject to the tax are reduced by the amount of
any new stock issue. This approach would work best under a Value
Added type tax with revenued used for dividends taxed separately
other revenue. For that matter switching to a Value Added Tax
by itself encourage job creating expenses by allowing corporations to
deduct building/equipment purchases in the U.S. from taxable revenue.
North Korea
It's time for "the nice young men in their clean white coats" to
North Korean President Kim Jong II away in a rubber truck to "the Happy
Home with trees and flowers and chirping birds where basket weavers sit
and smile...." Jong seems determined to start a war with the
States for some reason that makes sense only to him. Fortunately
Chinese finally seem to realize the danger of having nuclear
in North Korea.
North Korea shouldn't be a problem for US. It should be
problem. North Korea needs money and might decide to sell any
it produces to other nations that can pay for them and feel a need for
them. Taiwan, which China would like to annex, could afford to
North Korean nukes. Vietnam which has a dispute with China over
oil resources might also be interested in purchasing nukes. North
Korea's own relations with China haven't also been the best.
Korea could in the future theaten nuclear war with China in the event
a dispute. Although China could easily destroy any these
it likely wouldn't be enthusiastic about the threat of a nuclear
China needs to seriously consider the possibility of developing a
B with US to deal with North Korea. Such a plan could involve
cruise missile attacks from Chinese territory to take North Korea by
The Chinese army would handle the actual invasion and would then set up
a new government in North Korea.
One option they should consider would be to reach a unification
with South Korea for the South Koreans to establish a government for a
demilitarized Korea. The size of both Korean armies would be
and American forces would be withdrawn.
Miranda Warning
Many people believe the idea of a requirement for police to adise
of their rights began with the Supreme Court ruling in the Miranda
I'm currently watching a 1940 Mr. Wong movie, "The Fatal Hour". In one
scene the attorney for a man being questioned by the SFPD wanted to
if his client had been advised of his rights. Another interesting
feature in the movie was a wireless remote control device for a
It was too big to hold in the hand, but still its the idea that's
Republican Investment Myth
Republicans want to reduce taxes for the rich because such an action
would supposedly encourage them to invest more to create new
Unfortunately, investments often don't go for that purpose.
the Reagan administration many corporations invested money not in new
but in the purchase of other companies. During the 90's many
used their money not to encourage new jobs, but to bid up the prices of
existing stocks. If Republicans want to encourage investment in
jobs, they need to insure that any tax breaks are for the creation of
jobs rather just a way for the rich to get richer.
When is the U.S. government going to recognize that anything that
function as a nerve gas can be used as a WMD. Concentrated
can be used the same as those chemicals designed only as nerve gases.
have the same effect on humans and require the same antidote.
Burgers and fries...
Are some places still offering "freedom fries" instead of "french
The most amusing thing about this controversy is that we seldom
order "french" fries any more. We may order "regular" fries or
fries, "curly" fries or "steak" fries, "spicy" fries or "fajita" fries,
but seldom "french" fries. When you order a "burger" the person
the counter asks "do you want fries with that" rather than "do you want
french fries with that".
For that matter we seldom order "hamburgers". We order a
a "Big Mac", or maybe a "Quarterpounder with cheese". A regional
chain offers "Gourmet burgers" and "Western Burgers". Many times
we don't even order a "burger and fries". We order the number
combo or value pak.
Bush Tax Cut
Congress has agreed to some type of unspecified tax cut. What
Congress should really do is overhaul the entire tax system. The
antiquated corporate profits tax should be replaced by some type of Value
Added Tax. The profits tax has out lived its
It discriminates against U.S. corporations and can lead to poor
decisions. A VAT would equalize the tax burden among domestic and
foreign made goods. The tax would apply to revenues minus taxed
to avoid double taxation. Labor costs subject to employers'
FICA taxes would be tax deductable. However, executive salaries
be deductable. This approach to taxation would more closely
the portion of the price of goods that goes to federal taxes.
Replacing the profits tax would elininate the argument for
taxation of dividends for individuals. However, it would be a
idea to change the way dividends from U.S. corporations are
Taxing profits distributed as dividends at the corporate level instead
of the individual level would simplify the tax system and encourage
for dividends rather than attempting to make money trading
The tax would only apply to U.S. corporations because the U.S. lacks
to tax corporations in other countries.
One of the problems with the stock market is the fact that many
view the market as a gambling device instead of a place to purchase
to hold on to. Replacing the capital gains tax on stock with a
tax would discourage frequent trades for profit. The switch would
also eliminate the deduction for capital losses, at least on stocks
for only a few years. The "capital loss" deduction might be limited to
stocks held for a long period( 5 years or more) or to cases where the
rapidly such as a company filing for bankruptcy. Imposition of
tax would only cause a drop in stock prices at the time of
Once in place, it wouldn't affect stock prices other than be increasing
the cost, and reducing the potential profit, of frequent stock trades.
The 7th Cav
The 7th Cav is perhaps best known for the battle it lost.
today's 7th Cav has better leaders than George Armstrong Custer and the
Iraqis don't have anyone comparable to Chief Crazy Horse or warriors
the Cheyenne and the Sioux. The 7th Cav and other units are doing even
worse to the Iraqis than was done to them at Little Big Horn.
As a Vietnam Vet the most striking difference between this war
and mine is the very limited U.S. casualties in what are major
Battles like Dak To and Hamburger Hill had substantially higher
than far more successful battles in the current war. "Friendly
at Dak To wiped out a company of Skysoldiers of the 173rd Airborne when
the Air Force thought the hill they were on was held by the VC.
Easy Part's Over Now...
The easy part of Operation Iraqi Freedom is nearly over. Now the
part begins -- establishing a new government. Iraq is an
country that the British established after WWI. It combines three
groups who don't like each other any more than the Israeli's and
like each other. Within those groups are subgroups of people who
aren't necessarily very fond of each other either.
Those who argue for UN involvement ignore the fact that UN has
failed to deal with the Iraqi situation because France is going to veto
anything that doesn't serve its interest. The only way a new
is going to be established quickly is under the Coalition.
The best government should involve some type of federation with the
three main groups, Kurds, Sunni and Shiites having their own
The Coalition might want to explore the possibility of the "national"
being more an economic union that also handles diplomatic
The Coalition might plan to handle national defense for a while until
groups get used to working together. Each would have militia type
forces, but without arms that would allow them to try to dominate the
Happiness in Iraq
Happiness in Iraq is pulling down a statue of Saddam Hussein, then
the head down the street on a rope while a little boy hits it with the
soles of his shoes-- a major insult in the Arab world.
Brits in Bashra
A British officer asked in Bashra apparently was a fan of Freddie
Sr. When asked about stopping looting, etc. he in effect said
not my job". Yes, it is the job of the British to stop criminal
in Bashra. Those who eliminate the previous government in an area
have a duty to replace its functions, particularly regarding law
According to Fox News some of the Bashra "crooks" are armed with
which strongly implies that they're really former Iraqi soldiers trying
to continue to exploit and harm the local population. The British
cannot claim to fully control the city until they establish law and
If the British aren't confident they can handle the job, maybe they can
persuade Kuwait to send its soldiers along with some police officers in
until a new police force can be established. The U.S. has many
law enforcement officers serving in National Guard and Reserve units
should be assigned to help reestablish law enforcement in Iraqi cities.
If the account of Pfc. Jessica
resistence to capture is true, it indicates that at least some American
women can handle combat situations. Certainly not every woman can
combat situations, but some of them can. There might be potential
of putting men and women in the same units in the field because of
sexual harassment problems, but perhaps women could operate separate
(4/8/03 -- Doctors now indicate that although no entry wounds were
on the arm and legs, the injuries could have been caused by firearms
than assault rifles.)
According to the Washington Post
she continued to fire until her rifle was empty. She also may be
of a medal in addition to a Purple Heart. Of course there has been some
confusion about what happened. Initial reports said she was wounded
times. Then there was a report that she didn’t have any wounds,
she did have broken bones in her legs and one arm. The last report said
she did have a bullet wound.
Minority groups have demonstrated
their ineffectiveness by their continued support for Affirmative Action
programs like that used in Michigan. Such groups should have been
members of their minority prepare themselves for college instead of
for special treatment for a favored few in that group. Relying on
action not only denies opportunities to those who aren’t in favored
it denies opportunities for those who might have qualified if they had
had better educational opportunities.
Minority groups should
on improving public schools or providing private school options for
Many minority groups have the misfortune to live on large cities with
inefficient school systems. Efforts should be made to improve public
by reducing the size of urban school systems so parents will have a
opportunity to influence decisions.
The Kurds
The Coalition in Iraq should
consider allowing the Kurds to have the Kirkuk oil field. The Kurds
then trade partial ownership in the oil field to Turkey to purchase a
of eastern Turkey. Current national boundaries in the region are
and ignore ethnic divisions. Unfortunately, nations like Turkey are
reluctant to give up territory even if the cost of keeping it due to
conflicts is high. Persuading Turkey to accept such a deal might be
but paying Turkey with oil might overcome its reluctance to give up
Turkey is going to have problems with the Kurdish areas unless it gives
up that territory or finds a way to integrate the Kurds into Turkish
War Critics
Critics of the handling of the
thus far need to get real. Too many Americans forget that tv isn’t the
real world. Real life murders aren’t solved in two hours or less like
tv murders. Real wars aren’t won in a week like the wars in tv
I don’t know if American generals
really expected Iraqi forces to act in a specific way, but everyone
keep in mind that the enemy only follows the script in the movies. And,
if the enemy doesn’t follow the script, there is no reason for
forces to follow it. They should do what they have been doing: look for
opportunities and exploit them.
Critics have made too much of
about supply shortages. Keeping troops supplied while they’re moving
rapidly isn’t a new problem and shouldn’t be a surprise.
The people who are demonstrating
to try to get the United States and Britain to stop the war aren’t
They are allies of Saddam Hussein. A true pacifist is neutral and thus
cannot attempt to change who is participating in a war or how it is
Using political or other pressure to cause an army to leave the war
has the same effect on the war as shooting at that army. The result is
to assist the other side in the war which makes those who use pressure
participants and supporters of the other side. Anti-war demonstrators
the same as supporters of Saddam Hussein and would be accessories to
actions he would take if their actions allowed him to continue in power.
We baby boomers have sometimes
how the Holocaust could have occurred. How could civilized nations have
allowed Adolf Hitler to murder millions of Jews and other minorities?
have an example in Iraq. People in Hitler’s time may not have known his
hatred of Jews would lead him to mass murder. We know that Saddam
has already committed mass murder, yet many people still believe
should be done to stop him from committing additional mass murders.
Between Jews and Muslims
Some Jews continue to seek those
who helped Adolf Hitler murder millions of Jews. Muslims know that
Hussein has murdered thousands of Muslims, yet they claim anyone who
to keep him from murdering more Muslims is anti-Muslim.
Presidents and wars
President Bush’s critics claim
Bush wants war to further his reelection chances. If he is, he may be
a big mistake. Consider four of the five 20th Century
who committed significant American forces to war were not reelected.
Woodrow Wilson was in his second term anyway and his health prevented
from considering breaking the traditional 2-term limit.
President Harry Truman chose not
to run for a second complete term after sending troops to Korea.
Lyndon Johnson started to run again after sending troops to Vietnam,
then changed his mind and dropped out of the race. President George
Bush was defeated in an attempt to win a second term.
One 19th Century war
president James Polk chose not to run for reelection after fighting the
Mexican War.
Three presidents who won
after committing troops to battle have something in common with George
W. Bush. Presidents Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and Franklin
were all elected or reelected in years ending in “0" like Bush. The bad
news is that all three subsequently died in office.
Only one president committed
to battle and served two complete terms. President James Madison also
something in common with George W. Bush. Madison was president the only
previous time elements of a foreign force attacked the nation’s capital.
3/30/03 The 800-lb Gorilla
French President Jacques Chirac
a mistake in handling the Iraq situation because he doesn’t understand
that the United States is an 800-lb gorilla. As in “Where does an
gorilla sit? Anywhere it wants.”
The United States has done its
act off and on during the last century in the Western Hemisphere. From
President Teddy Roosevelt’s efforts to help the Panamanians to become
independent country for him to build a canal through to the President
Clinton’s effort to change the regime in Haiti, American Presidents
used troops in Latin American countries whenever they wanted to.
American actions outside the
Hemisphere involved international wars including the World Wars and the
Cold War.
The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
a change with the United States under President George H.W. Bush taking
a leadership role in a limited conflict. President Bill Clinton
this role in Kosovo and Iraq. Although in Iraq the Gorilla only sought
to show Iraq who was boss because Iraq didn’t seem to pose that serious
a threat at the time.
9/11 changed that. The Gorilla
it could no longer put up with international terrorist groups and those
who supported them. The attack on the Gorilla’s lair made the situation
personal and the Gorilla had to act.
Once President George W. Bush
convinced that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, the only way to
the Gorilla from acting was to prove that Iraq didn’t have such
Iraq had to either destroy those weapons or the UN had to set up an
program to conclusively determine if Iraq had WMD. Neither thing
so the Gorilla decided he had no alternative to protect his lair but to
sit on the Iraqis.
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