by Jalexson c.2003
originally published at Mediard
“Don’t vote for the Democrats,” say the Republicans. “Don’t
vote for the Republicans,” say the Democrats.
Should we be surprised, then, that on election day most people take
the candidates’ advice and don’t vote.
Political commentators frequently criticize voters for not going to
the polls, but the real problem is the lack of politicians who can attract
people to the polls. The message isn’t vote for me because “I’ll
put a chicken in every pot,” but vote against the other guy because “he’ll
steal your chicken.”
The incumbent governor of California, Gray Davis, has done such a lousy
job as governor he’s having to spend tens of millions to try to discredit
his opponent. If he hasn’t done anything worth bragging about, why didn’t
members of his party replace him in the primary? Is the California Democratic
Party so lacking in talent, that it couldn’t find anyone more qualified
for the office?
New Jersey Democrats let their corrupt incumbent Senator Robert Torricelli
go unchallenged in the primary. Then when they discovered at the last minute
that voters didn’t want a corrupt Senator, they decided to change candidates
even though some people had already voted early.
The political parties need to do a better job of recruiting candidates.
The parties depend too much on candidates financing their own initial campaigns.
The result is candidates who may be more adept at raising money than in
holding office.
The parties need to do a better job of finding solutions to social problems.
Year after year they propose the same old snake oil that appeals to some
interest groups, but doesn’t really work.
Republicans and Democrats act like the Mama Bear and Papa Bear from
Goldilocks. They want to do too much or too little. Apply regulations that
are too lenient or too stringent. We need some Baby Bear politicians who
will do things just right.
Voters should respond to the current situation by voting for other candidates
instead of staying home. At the turn of the last century voters were also
upset with the candidates offered by the major parties. Those voters didn’t
stay home. They went out and voted for candidates in other parties. If
more people voted for the third parties, the major parties would recognize
that people are willing to vote. They simply want better choices from the
major parties.
I also write at Mediard
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