I'm a mathematician, historian and scientist. I use the above pen names on the web to avoid confusion with others who
have the same name as mine, including a member of Congress. The first is essentially my great grandfather's name. the other
combines the names of the writers of the Federalist Papers.
Newspaper blogs
Climate and Science Blog
Terri Schindler Schiavo info
More or less general Blog page
Iraq Blog
Economics essays
Federal Budget Essays
Intelligent Design
Liz 4 Prez Story
Science Fiction
Political Essays
Political Comments Blog
Science Essays
Social Issues
War essays
My Hobbies
I'm a generalist. I switched from math and physics to history and social science in the sixties because politicians didn't
know how to find solutions to social problems. I have a B.A. in history and 100 hours of graduate study beyond an M.A. in
U.S. history including courses in other fields: political science, computer science, geography, urban planning, economics
and business.